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SYNTAX TREE Business Intelligence Services

Enterprise Services

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) includes the set of methods, processes, applications, data, technologies & technical architectures that area unit utilized by enterprises to support the gathering, information analysis, presentation and dissemination of business data. Common functions of BI technologies embody reportage, on-line analytical process, analytics, data processing, method mining, complicated event process, business performance management, benchmarking, text mining, prophetical analytics and prescriptive analytics. bismuth technologies will handle giant amounts of structured and generally unstructured information to assist determine, develop and otherwise produce new strategic business opportunities. They aim to permit for the straightforward interpretation of those huge information. distinguishing new opportunities and implementing an efficient strategy supported insights will give businesses with a competitive market advantage and long-run stability.


Business intelligence is utilized by enterprises to support a good vary of business selections - starting from operational to strategic. Basic operative selections embody product positioning or evaluation. Strategic business selections involve priorities, goals and directions at the broadest level. altogether cases, bismuth is best once it combines information derived from the market during which a corporation operates (external information) with information from company sources internal to the business like money and operations data (internal data). once combined, external and internal information will give a a lot of complete image that, in effect, creates associate degree "intelligence" that can't be derived by any singular set of information. Amongst myriad uses, business intelligence tools empower organizations to realize insight into new markets, to assess demand and suitableness of merchandise and services for various market segments and to measure the impact of selling efforts.


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